Bridging the science and practice of human development for a wiser world

The Vertical Development Institute conducts and curates research on adult development and transformative learning, translating it into developmental programs.
We work to democratise vertical development theories and practices, making them widely accessible to all who play any role in others’ learning: leaders, coaches, facilitators, parents or educators of any kind.
As vertical development becomes the norm, not the exception, in organisational learning, we hope to see the growth of more conscious, mature leaders and teams and the rise of developmental organisations.
We also support parents and educators to grow themselves, as they help raise the children in their care.
This is our small contribution to building a wiser world.

Our areas of expertise
We partner with academics to produce original research, exploring the mechanisms of transformation during leadership programs.
We also curate existing research on adult development, from multiple schools of thought, aiming to make it accessible to the widest public, in one place.
We turn science into practice, designing and delivering developmental programs that empower organisations across industries and sectors to become self-sustainable learning cultures. We also train and mentor coaches to implement vertical development into their practice.
If you are starting your coaching career or seeking to acquire your first ICF credential, check out our ICF Level 1 program “Foundation Diploma in Developmental Coaching”.
If you are an established coach seeking to master vertical development, explore our ICF CCE online certification “Vertical Development Practices for Coaches and Leaders” (now available in English and Romanian).
If you just want to dip your toes into the world of adult development and its applications, explore our Online Courses Library to discover a diversity of webinars you can start your journey with.
If you are an organisation seeking to implement developmental practices into your culture, check out our corporate offering.
HORIZONTAL development is akin to learning new techniques for playing the piano, all within the same octave.
VERTICAL development is all about discovering new notes and octaves, opening up alternative musical universes.
Together, ‘horizontal’ and ‘vertical’ allow people to develop both the right skills and the wisdom to use them in the right way, at the right time, for the right purpose.

Translating research into practice is at the core of our work at VDI
In our programs, we hold safe spaces of transformative growth for participants, so they can experience first-hand the beauty, richness and messiness of development. Explore our ICF-accredited programs for new and existing coaches; join our course for parents and educators; watch a short webinar in the online program library or get in touch for organisational programs.
Here’s a brief comparison:
Are you already practicing coaching? Build your mastery by embedding developmental practices into your work with clients.
Online Certification: “Vertical Development Practices for Coaches and Leaders”
Certification program (online, self-led) for coaches who already hold foundational coaching competencies and seek to embed adult development research and tools into their existing practice.
Accredited by the International Coaching Federation (offering 40 CCEs), it can support existing coaches in renewing their ICF credential.

Are you a new coach or seeking to get your first ICF credential? Join our most comprehensive coach training program!
“Foundation Diploma in Developmental Coaching”
A training program for coaches seeking to master both vertical development AND build their coaching competencies through intensive practice, as well as those who seek their first ICF ACC credential (blended self-led + live virtual sessions).
This is the only (vertically) developmental coach training program accredited by ICF as Level 1.

Explore our first online, research-based, self-led developmental program for parents and educators!