Vertical Development made simple, clear and practical

While much valuable content exists on this topic, often its practical implications and applications are obscured in academic language. Here we aim to make this complex theory easily accessible and practically relevant for leaders, coaches and L&D practitioners, while preserving its rigour and constantly offering you resources to dive much deeper if you wish.

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Why Compulsory Leadership Programs Don’t Work: The Role of “Choice” and “Readiness” in Vertical Development
Alis Anagnostakis Alis Anagnostakis

Why Compulsory Leadership Programs Don’t Work: The Role of “Choice” and “Readiness” in Vertical Development

Over the years, I’ve had my share of facilitating learning programs for reluctant groups of employees, who were there not because they had chosen the learning but because somebody else in their organisation had thought they needed it. After witnessing all flavors of resistance and studying in-depth the lived process of psychological growth, I have come to believe that choice to participate and readiness for learning are absolutely fundamental to the impact of any learning program. Without one or both of them, learning initiatives are bound to be at best ‘momentary fun’ and at worst a painful obligation - a chore for all involved. Without these two conditions, I don’t believe meaningful change can happen.

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