Vertical Development made simple, clear and practical
While much valuable content exists on this topic, often its practical implications and applications are obscured in academic language. Here we aim to make this complex theory easily accessible and practically relevant for leaders, coaches and L&D practitioners, while preserving its rigour and constantly offering you resources to dive much deeper if you wish.
Our new space on Substack now hosts all our latest articles on vertical development theory, practice, measurement, new ideas, resources and applications to coaching, leadership and organisational learning. Subscribe to get them all right in your inbox.

Inspiration is Not Transformation: Let’s Not Confuse Peak States With Stages in Vertical Development
I am sure every facilitator knows the sense of joy at the end of a long day of training, when participants leave the room with a smile on their faces, expressing gratitude for an uplifting experience, or perhaps proudly carry a list of actions for change they had co-created in some hours of intense conversations, reflections and engaging activities. There is a sense of exhaustion one feels when that room is finally empty and, with it, the hope that the change will stick. But does it?
My fifteen years of practice have shown me that it rarely does.