Vertical Development made simple, clear and practical
While much valuable content exists on this topic, often its practical implications and applications are obscured in academic language. Here we aim to make this complex theory easily accessible and practically relevant for leaders, coaches and L&D practitioners, while preserving its rigour and constantly offering you resources to dive much deeper if you wish.
Our new space on Substack now hosts all our latest articles on vertical development theory, practice, measurement, new ideas, resources and applications to coaching, leadership and organisational learning. Subscribe to get them all right in your inbox.

What develops in ‘vertical development’?
What develops in ‘vertical development’? Is it the cognitive mind? Is it emotions? Is it relationships, or a deeper ethical sense? Is all vertical development made equal or might different people at the same stage actually experience more development along certain lines and less on others? How about peak states of awe and transcendence - do they automatically result in vertical development?
These are just a few questions we explore in this new article.